Set within an unique natural area, the environment is conducive to the pursuit of outdoor activities promoting the protection of the environment.
The school is committed to offering high quality comprehensive learning programs responsive to the academic, social, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each student. It is intended that each student will be able to: communicate effectively through speaking, listening, reading, writing; competently use mathematical processes; adopt a balanced, healthy lifestyle with time for work and leisure; accept responsibility as a citizen of a multicultural and democratic society; and lay the foundations for life long learning. As the education of students is a shared responsibility with parents, community participation is encouraged by developing complimentary roles for parents and teachers consulting with parents about the welfare and progress of their children and seeking their input to policies which directly effect the community.
School Times
9:00am School Begins
11:00am Lunch 1 (eating time)
11:15am Lunch 2 (playtime)
11:50am Middle Session
1:35pm Recess 1 (eating time)
1.45pm Recess 2 (playtime)
2:00pm Afternoon session begins
3:00pm School Finishes
Teachers commence duty from 8:30am. Unless accompanied by an adult, students should not arrive prior to this time.
Weekly Events
During the week all students participate in the following activities
Library: The children visit the school library weekly to learn about research strategies and to borrow books
Assembly: We have regular whole school assemblies throughout the term.
Computers: Students have weekly lessons in the computer lab.
Special Religious Education (SRE) & Special Education in Ethics (SEE): Scripture and Ethics teachers visit the school to take weekly religious and ethics lessons. Classes are available in Protestant, Catholic and Ethics. If you would like your child to attend non-scripture written advice must be provided to the school principal.
Medical Information
Parents are required to provide information about student's medical status where it may affect the student whilst at school. Under Departmental policy, parents will be asked to sign an indemnity form before medication will be administered. There are special forms for both long and short-term medication. As medication is administered, it is recorded in a special register kept in the main office.Office staff will administer asthma and anaphylaxis medication. Parents are required to come to school to administer antibiotics, cough mixtures or pain relief medications.
Lost Property
Our lost property cupboards are located in the cupboards near the uniform shop. We encourage students to label their belonging so that belongings can be returned to their owners promptly.
Change of Details
Please notify our school of any changes of contact details by emailing or ringing the School Office.